Virginia is for Lovers is about love – pure and simple. The Virginia Tourism Corporation has created over-sized LOVEwork (16 feet wide and 7 feet high) to promote the message that “Love is at the heart of every Virginia vacation.“
The Virginia Tourism Corporation is offering the LOVEwork on a first-come, first served basis for Virginia tourism destinations/events that promote family-friendly travel experiences.
For a fee of $500 (to cover transportation and installation), VTC will deliver the LOVEwork to your local destination for special events, new openings, new exhibits or to launch a new marketing initiative. The event must be family-focused and compliment the Virginia is for Lovers marketing campaign and brand.
Other guidelines include:
- The LOVEwork is only available for special events at a family-friendly tourism-related destination which will draw a minimum of 500 people.
- The LOVEwork is available for a minimum of three days and a maximum of seven days.
- There can be no admission cost just to access the LOVEwork.
- The location of the LOVEwork must be on a flat area that is at least 20 feet long that is easily accessible by everyone including people with mobility issues or physical disabilities.
- Any necessary permits/paperwork/local approval must be secured by the local organization making the request.
- Organization requesting the LOVEwork must complete a liability form if selected to receive the artwork.
- VTC has final approval on LOVEwork placement/location as well as messaging/promotion related to the artwork.
- Submit your requests at least 60 days in advance of your event.
- The LOVEwork is on a first-come first served basis.
- Approved LOVEwork destinations need to send any news releases, Web announcements or any other communication about the LOVE artwork to VTC for approval prior to distribution.
VTC will provide destinations displaying the LOVEwork with a news release template, messaging, marketing ideas and a companion sign that tells visitors how to share their LOVE pictures on social media at www.Facebook.com/VirginiaisforLovers, Instagram and on Twitter using #LOVEVA.