All VTC funding programs are reimbursement programs. Reimbursements are processed for awarded applicants only and you must list your grant # on your reimbursement paperwork. You must complete a VTC Grants Reimbursement Form, W-9, and final report. Failure to submit a final report may result in your reimbursement submission being denied. The ACH Vendor Payment Agreement for direct deposit is optional.
You must fill out the reimbursement form according to program instructions and include copies of invoices, proofs of payment, proof of advertising using the Virginia is for Lovers logo where required and a flash drive of any photographs, video or marketing collateral you agreed to share with us along with appropriate photo and video releases.
Please mail the package to Grants Team, Virginia Tourism Corporation, 901 E. Cary Street, Suite 900, Richmond, VA 23219. Electronic submission of reimbursements is not permitted.
- VTC Grants Reimbursement Form
- VTC Grant Marketing and Production Plans Revision Form
- VTC Grants Reimbursement Instructions
- Final Reports:
- Marketing Leverage Program Grant Final Report Template
- Special Events and Festivals Grant Final Report Template
- Virginia DMO Marketing Leverage Grant Final Report Template
- Microbusiness Marketing Leverage Program Grant Final Report Template
- VA250 Tourism Marketing Program Grant Final Report Template
- VTC ACH Vendor Payment Agreement
- VTC Blank W-9